How to set up your email in Gmail for Mobile/Tablets

Quick setup guide

How to set up your email in Gmail for mobile/tablets

This guide takes you step-by-step through the process of setting up a new email account in Gmail on your cell phone or tablet.

To set up your email on a laptop or computer, see How to set up your domain email in Gmail

Replace with your domain name.

Add your mail account

  1. Open Gmail on your mobile device. If this is your first mail account to be setup, skip to step 4
  2. Tap the profile pic at the top right of the screen
  3. Tap Add another account 
  4. On the Add Account screen, select Other at the bottom
  5. Type in the email address that you want set up and then tap Next
  6. Gmail will now try to connect
  7. Incoming mail server
    • User name: the full email address
    • Password: your mail account password
    • IMAP server: mail.  followed by your domain name e.g.*
    • Port: 993
    • Security type: SSL/TLS
    • Tap Next at the top right of your screen
  8. Outgoing server settings
    • User name: the full email address
    • Password: your mail account password – the same as step 7
    • SMTP server: smtp. followed by your domain name e.g.
    • Port: 465
    • Security type: SSL/TLS
    • Tap Next
  9. The account settings will be tested and you will then receive a success message.
  10. Add you name as you would like it to appear on your sent mail

Mobile: 083 965 6858
WhatsApp: 083 965 6858 

Mobile: 073 864 5906
WhatsApp: 073 864 5906 

(Click the numbers to call or WhatsApp us directly)

